
Pre-Game Cocktail

Pre-Game Cocktail


Pre-Game Cocktail

Pre-game your night with this cocktail to prevent most hangover symptoms with an energizing blend of vitamins and antioxidants.

The main cause of a hangover is ethanol — the alcohol in your drinks. It’s a toxic chemical that works in the body as a diuretic, which means it makes you urinate more and can cause dehydration. Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms. Obtaining 1 or as many as 2 liters of fluid intravenously will rehydrate you in minutes: something that drinking gallons of water can only accomplish after 5 to 8 hours. This will promptly relieve common symptoms of dehydration including fatigue, headache, nausea, lightheadedness, unclear thinking, and rapid heart rate.

Recommended shots:

  • Super B12
  • Brain booster
  • Muscle (amino acids will counteract alcohol byproducts)

In addition, a hangover is a byproduct of free radical production that happens as a result of liver metabolizing alcohol. To neutralize those free radicals you will need powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin C and Glutathione. When you get our Pre-Game Cocktail, you can decrease your chances of morning after fatigue and wake up full of energy instead of hangover symptoms