Don’t Let Anxiety Run You

Don’t Let Anxiety Run You

We all know the anxiety that comes with the fears of the future. It’s normal for a lot of us. It usually happens because we want to be prepared for whatever is thrown at us. This means we want to be in control of what happens in our lives. Healthline says it’s very important to be able to understand when this anxiety starts to take over your daily life.

The feeling of anxiety can start off when you have some concerns of the future and the things around you. It can have you developing a lot of physical and emotional tension. You may even start to hide away from the world and what it offers. You may start to avoid people, responsibilities, and even situations that can make you happy. When all of this starts to happen, it’s important to be able to come up with a plan that can give you some relief.

Whatever issue or concern you may have, replaying that problem over and over again as a way to cope will not help you get rid of it. A lot of the times when we experience anxiety, it’s a continuous thought because we actually never get over that fear. A good way to slowly start feeling better about any fear that you are going through is to actually repeat it until you’re sick of it. When I say repeat it, I don’t mean to just think about your fear but actually do it! The first time that you do it, the anxiety will be at an all time high. As time goes by you’ll notice that the more you do it, the less you’ll be scared.

Another great way to decrease that feeling may be to allow yourself some time to actually worry about all those things. For example, if you’re worried about something that happened, set aside a time  to worry. By the time it reaches the end of the day, you’ll probably not even be worried about it anymore. At that point you’ll see that you spent almost a whole day anxiety free.

A lot of the times when you feel anxious, your breathing gets shaky. This can cause your heart to start racing. At that point you’re worried about your breathing and what triggered it to begin with. While it may be hard to stop all of this from happening. You’d be surprised at how much better you can feel if you focused on a proper breathing technique. It’s important to listen to the movement of your breath and concentrate only on that. When you start to make sure that your breathing is in check, your heart rate will start to slow down, and so will your mind.

At the IV Lounge we offer different IV Cocktails that can target anxiety. One of them being our Myer’s Cocktail. Different fluids are combined to help make you feel more relaxed whenever you’re having a harder time focusing. We know that there are days where getting out of bed may be a bit harder so we also offer in-home IV therapy. This is where one of our nurses or physicians will personally go to your home to administer whatever IV you prefer.

Give us a call today so that you can ask us any questions you may have and even set up your Mobile Concierge Service.




Holland, Kimberly. “Everything You Need To Know About Anxiety.” Healthline, 3 September 2020,