

Careers - Apply to join IV Lounge Family

Since opening our doors in 2015, the IV Lounge has been growing, extending to multiple locations in Central Florida. Apply now if you are an RN or paramedic with excellent ER or ICU experience in starting IVs, your beliefs match ours, and you are interested in becoming a member of the IV Lounge Family.

  • We believe in honoring the legacy of wellness industry while helping to shape its future.  
  • We believe in having the courage to take action and make a positive impact.  
  • We believe in accountability, taking ownership of our words, actions, and results.
  • We believe in being honest, authentic, and decent in everything we do. 
  • We believe in promoting an environment where respect and care make it safe to be yourself, a place where everyone has equal access to growth and opportunity. 
  • We believe in working together and supporting each other – one team is how we roll.  
  • We believe if we live in service of our patients, they will in turn support our success. 

Frequently asked questions

For more important information, please contact our professional support services