coq10 shots, Lyme Disease
Coenzyme Q

Can CoQ10 Shots help with Lyme Disease?

Let’s start off with, “What exactly is Lyme Disease?” You may have heard of the name before but you may not know what it is exactly. Lyme Disease is an infectious disease which is transmitted to humans by a bite from an infected black- legged or deer tick. This tick has the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi. Try saying THAT 5 times.

You’re probably thinking, how does a tick even transmit this disease to humans? Well, a lot of the time, people that have Lyme disease have no memory of this tick bite. That’s what makes it so frustrating. A tick has to be present on the human skin for at least 36 hours to transmit the infection.

Everyone is different so the reactions to Lyme disease can vary. There have been people that claim they have fatigue, fever, headache, and even sleep disturbances. It’s important to keep an eye on everything you feel because it is best treated in the early stages. With that being said, it is also very important to find out what vitamins you can take that will offer relief.

What does this have to do with the CoQ10 Shot? Well, a common symptom of Lyme Disease is heart palpitations. CoQ10 is a natural substance that helps our muscles contract correctly. Pro Health says that research on this vitamin states that it helps produce energy and even helps prevent heart disease. I know it may seem like I’m getting off topic but I promise there’s a connection to all of this. CoQ10 also has cardiovascular benefits. Some people have even said they feel improvement in the heart palpitations after taking this supplement.

Cardiovascular benefits aren’t all that the CoQ10 shots are good for. They also have demonstrated some anti- aging benefits and have shown a reduction in headaches. Heart Health does seem to be the number one target of the CoQ10 shot. Not only that but you will definitely be getting a lot more. While there are some things that you can’t really help in life, getting the CoQ10 shot is something you can.

It may not be able to be the cure for Lyme Disease but there has been correlation in how it can help the symptoms. Your body naturally declines the production of CoQ10 as you age. No matter what, the CoQ10 Shot will only help you in the long run.

This shot is administered here at IV Lounge. We recommend 4 treatments of this shot to get all the benefits. This means once a week for a month. It is then followed by the maintenance phase which is once or twice a month. As soon as you leave here you’ll be able to feel the relieving effects it gives. Imagine after the whole treatment! Find out exactly just how great the CoQ10 Shot is by calling us today!




Heckman, Kerry J. “8 Supplements For Lyme Disease That You Can Feel Working.” Pro Health, 25 July 2019,